Işıkhan’ın H indeksi: 6’dır.
(Scopus 22 Nisan 2017 bilgisi)
1) V. Isikhan, T. Comez ve M.Z. Danis. (2004). Job stress and coping strategies in health care professionals working with cancer patients. European Journal of Oncology Nursing , Volume 8, Issue 3, pages: 234 – 244;= 63 ATIF
2) V. Isikhan, P. Guner, S. Komurcu ve Diğr. (2001) The relationship between disease features and quality of life in patients with cancer-I. Cancer Nursing. 24 (6) pages: 490-495, December = 33 ATIF
3) V. Isikhan., Komurcu, Seref., Ozet, Ahmet., Arpaci, Fikret., Ozturk, Bekir., Balbay, Oner., Guner, Perihan. (2005) The status of alternative treatment in cancer patients in Turkey. Cancer Nursing. 28(5), September/October 2005, pages: 355-362= 21 ATIF
4) Özşenol, F., Işıkhan, V., Ünay, B., Aydın, H.İ., Akın, R., Gökçay, E. (2003) Engelli çocuğa sahip ailelerin aile işlevlerinin değerlendirilmesi (The evaluation of family functions of families with handicapped). GATA (Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi), Gülhane Medical Journal, Haziran, 45 (2), 156-165. = 17 ATIF
5) Güner, P., Isikhan, V., Kömürcü, Ş., İl, S., Öztürk, B., Arpaci, F., Özet, A. (2006) Quality of life and sociodemographic characteristics of patients with cancer in Turkey. Oncology Nursing Forum. 33 (6), 1171-1176. = 14 ATIF
6) Demirkaya, E., Bilginer, Y., Ayaz, N.A., Yalnızoğlu, D., Oğuz, K.K., Işıkhan, V., Türker, T., Topaloğlu, R. (2008) Neuropsychiatric involment in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus. The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 50, (2): 126-131. (SSCE). = 9 ATIF
7) Işıkhan, V. (2008) Terminal dönemdeki kanser hastalarının ölüm yeri tercihleri (Choices of death place in terminal stage cancer patients). Türk Onkoloji Dergisi. 23 (1) 34-44. = 4 ATIF
8) Tuncay, T., Isikhan, V. (2010) Psychological symptoms, illness-related concerns and characteristics of relatives of Turkish patients with cancer. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 11, 1659-1667. (SCIE) = 4 ATIF
9) Balbay, Oner.A., Vedat Işikhan., Guleç, Ege. B., Ali Nihat Annakkaya., Peri Meram Arbak. (2011) Burnout status of health care personnel working in oncology and their coping methods. HealthMed (Journal of society for development in new net environment in B & H). 5, 4: 730-741. (ISI – SCIE) = 4 ATIF